I'm baaaccckkk!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Woooaaahhh, it's been a while since the last time I posted.. Hihi..
Although this blog was originally meant for Theory of Communication assignment, I gave some thought to continue posting on this blog.
Well, gotta admit that I actually have another blog in LiveJournal, but it's a more personal and private blog since I can set whether it can be seen by public or not..
So, in short, my LiveJournal is personal and private and this is more "public".. Hehe..

I am changing a bit the concept of this blog, initially I wanna share all info related to Jpop, anime and jdorama, but lately my interest in those has diminished quite a while.. But don't worry, if I have found something really cool about those, I will definitely share them here.. In short, it is not restricted to one topic nor one theme only..